Thursday, August 29, 2024

More Penguins

 Y'all, these tiny penguins are the cutest I've ever seen!  They are so little and are so blue.  They are called Little Blue Penguins, so obviously others agree with me.  Haha!  But seriously, we waited here for so long for kids to get out of the way so I could get the shots I wanted.  I think it was worth it though.  I mean, just look at how adorable they are!!

These are the final pictures I have from our trip to the Cincinnati Zoo back in July.  I didn't make it to the Fort Wayne Zoo all that much over the summer, but I have been a few times and am just behind on posting them.  I hope to catch up soon!

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


 These kangaroos all seemed way more macho than the ones at the Fort Wayne Zoo.  These guys were big and had some serious muscles.  Haha!  The last picture cracks me up with the pose and his tongue.  Bahahahaha!

Friday, August 23, 2024

Even More Monkeys

 So many monkeys!  I love watching them, especially the gorillas.  They fascinate me.  They were mostly resting, but we were there a while and saw some different interactions and movement with them.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

More Birds

 There were lots of random birds that I thought were so neat at the Cincinnati Zoo.  I thought the Steller's Sea Eagle was cool to see in person.  It's so big!