Thursday, February 13, 2025

Sea Lions, Fish, and Penguins

 I'm finally getting the pictures posted from my trip to the Indianapolis Zoo back in November.  I was reminded how much I enjoy photographing fish.  I was basically alone in the aquarium building, and I got the distinct impression that many of the fish noticed me.  In several pictures, there are fish that are looking directly at the camera.  I love when I get a subjects undivided attention.  Haha!

Thursday, February 6, 2025

African Animals

 This time of year is slow for photography so it's when I catch up on organizing my pictures and as I was sorting through last year's work, I found this folder of unedited pictures from August that got skipped over.  I also realized I still haven't finished editing the pictures from when I went to the Indy Zoo in November.  Hopefully next week I'll be able to start getting those posted.  I can't wait for the Fort Wayne Zoo to open in the spring!!