Friday, October 9, 2020


It has been so special to me watching Asmara grow up.  To me, this is one of the joys of having a zoo membership and being able to go as often as I can.  I especially appreciate that this year, I didn't always just go in the morning, right when they open.  As much as I love the quiet of not many other people being around and learning when I can expect certain animals to be quite active, I've really enjoyed going much later in the day these last couple weeks and being able to witness things that don't happen in the mornings.  I also have mostly still been able to avoid the crowds as they are often done for the day by the time I've gotten there.  It really is neat to whenever I have new experiences at a place that I have been to so often.  In this case, I was able to witness this family of orangutans enjoying a late afternoon snack.  When I am there in the mornings, usually only Asmara is active and the rest are just sleeping, so this was a nice surprise.

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