Saturday, July 23, 2022

Scenery of The Great Smoky Mountains

 In June, my husband and I took a week-long vacation to Tennessee and stayed in a cabin up in the mountains near the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.  This was the first time we'd been away just the two of us on a vacation of this length since our honeymoon, which was 10 years ago.  😬  So needless to say, it was a much needed break from normal life.  We had a wonderful time!!  These pictures are mostly the view from the deck of the cabin along with some scenery from a hike we took when we were searching for Elk in Cherokee, NC.  I took a lot more pictures of scenery, especially as we drove through the park, but they were taken with my cell phone, and I opted not to include them on my blog.  But I'll be posting the wildlife pictures each day leading up to our actual anniversary which is on Thursday!  😊

The drive up the mountain to the cabin we rented was honestly terrifying.  I didn't believe that our car could make the steep climb and was close to having a panic attack thinking we were going to fall off mountain.  So naturally, once we got there and saw how beautiful the view was, I decided we could just stay at the cabin and forget all the other plans we had.  As you'll see from the coming posts, we did in fact leave the cabin and see awesome wildlife.

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